The Science Of Why You Should Spend Your Money On Expereinces, Not Things

We are the sum total of our experiences.” Dr. Thomas Gilovich

John always says that memories are made from the experiences that you have. And you know what, he’s right! I watch as guests are awe struck when they get off the wagon on check in day. They wander into the enormous cookhouse and their jaws drop. They taste the sushi, they chat with the chefs and servers and the jaw drops a little more….everyone is so friendly here. Finally, Cowboy John appears and corrals everyone for the welcome orientation. The staff have heard it a million times but this is new for the guests. Listening to it with fresh ears each Thursday and Sunday, it is true what he says, “memories are made from when you challenge yourself.” I watch the guests absorb this statement not fully understanding what their next 3, 4 or 7 nights are really going to look like. What is in store for them.

After booking activities and dinner that first night, the guests no doubt head off in excitement of what the next day holds.

And then there it is. The very next day guests start to come back after their first activity. Hair wind swept from a ride of the valley. Skin sun kissed. Eyes all a twinkle from whatever it was that they were up to and the best part is watching the kids! Kids trying things for the first time, or maybe for the millionth time…it’s still new for them here. It’s also amazing to watch the parents with their kids. Parents playing paintball or rock climbing with their kids. How about the squeal of a grown man or woman as they zip down alongside their kid on the zip line? It’s amazing. Seriously, amazing!

While it’s great to have money, how about having the experiences that you can’t put a dollar sign on? The experiences that will be with you all the time.

This article, “The Science of Why You Should Spend Your Money on Experiences, Not Things” is excellent. Give it a read and then go outside, breathe the fresh air and have an experience.

Kathy MacRae - Director of Marketing

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