We are very happy to announce that we have been awarded the Certificate of Excellence for 2013 and we couldn’t have done it without you!


We always appreciate hearing from our guests and are looking forward to another season of reviews on TripAdvisor

If you haven’t seen it already, this is a good sneak peak to the article in Departures Magazine.

Get your camping on and head on over to the beautiful west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia Canada.



Salmon Confidential from Twyla Roscovich on Vimeo.

There are five things you can do if the content of this film has convinced you that things must change:

  1. Donate to help us get this film in front of as many people as possible before the BC election. With your help, we can make the changes needed to protect the wild salmon of BC http://www.gofundme.com/FishFeedlotsOut
  2. Write to Adrian Dix, the leader of the BC NDP who is currently high in the polls, as we close in on the May 14, 2013 provincial election. Tell him you take salmon issue and the viruses seriously and his removing these salmon feedlots from the wild salmon migration routes would get your vote. His email is [email protected]
  3. Use this link to Sign the petition and send it to Christy Clark, the Premier of British Columbia - or send her a letter directly at [email protected]
  4. Go to http://www.salmonfeedlotboycott.com/ and join the BOYCOTT
  5. Share this film with everyone you know so they will better understand the negative relationship between salmon feedlots and wild salmon, forests, whales, and the British Columbia economy.

Please take action.

Sophy Roberts, travel writer for the Financial Times, visited us here in the rainforest and had nothing but great things to say about her time here with her 12 year old son Daniel. Many days were spent with new experiences and getting to know the resort and staff. Enjoying the outdoors, activities, gourmet food and most of all the “digital detox” the experienced.

We are happy to share this great article “My Best Discovery of 2012” with you and maybe you will find yourself here with us, or at another one the great locations listed in this magnificent list!

Dining Tent at Clayoquot Wilderness Resort


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