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The Resort's stable of about 30 endurance horses and double teams of draft horses promise unbridled fun and adventure. Ride through the many stunning trails in and around the Resort, through old-growth forest, and to the edge of Strathcona Provincial Park, watching for bears along the way.

Visit the abandoned gold mines of "Bear City", a turn-of-the-century mining town that boomed and busted many times between the great Yukon Rush and WWII. Explore the Bedwell's own "Jurassic Park", a remote area of deep old-growth forest where ancient cedars measure 40-ft in circumference and ferns reach gigantic proportions.

Horseback riding adventures are available for all ages and inclinations. Gallop like the wind through super-oxygenated forest trails, or trot leisurely along a stream bed or abandoned logging road. Riding boots and chaps (slickers too, if weather dictates) are provided for all ages. Bike helmets recommended (and provided) for young children. Experienced guides offer expert instruction..